For us, Ecuador is where it’s at. Home to the best tasting cacao in the world, from the renowned provinces of Manabi and Esmereldas, where we’re proud to have built strong partnerships since 2007.
For us, Ecuador is where it’s at. Home to the best tasting cacao in the world, from the renowned provinces of Manabi and Esmereldas, where we’re proud to have built strong partnerships since 2007.
We only source cacao from cooperatives owned by farmers growing a variety of crops, never large monoculture plantations. And we pay higher than fair trade prices for native Ecuadorian cacao that doesn’t fluctuate in price like the cheaper mass-market varieties do. This means we can offer farmers a stable income at better than fair prices. As all the farmers we work with are part of the global Fairtrade scheme, the additional premium we pay for their cacao goes straight to projects that benefit their local community.
Just incase you were wondering... Fair Trade prices came from here: https://www.fairtrade.net/standard/minimum-price-info Commodity prices came from here: https://www.statista.com/statistics/675801/average-prices-cocoa-worldwide/
As cacao is such a vital part of everything Ombar, we have found our own equally passionate person in Ecuador to manage the whole cacao supply chain – Paola. Paola works closely with the farmer’s cooperatives to ensure everything is collected, fermented, dried and exported to our high Ombar standards.
We purchase our coconut sugar from a brilliant producer based on the tropical island of Mindanao in The Philippines. They manage their own coconut palm tree plantations and small factories for the production of coconut sugar, placing special emphasis on recruiting and empowering women and local indigenous communities. It's all certified fair trade helping to provide improved facilities to local communities.
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